School is officially back in session, and the campus is full of energy. To keep up the good mood and productivity, we suggest enjoying a professionally delivered, freshly prepared meal.

Very few things inspire busy students, administrators, professors and staff members more than sweet treats and incredible bites at any event on campus. So take a moment to give us a call, send a quick email or fill out our short online form and coordinate delicious catering today. 

Contact Us 

Catering Menus

Ready to order?

University Catering Policies

University Catering Request Waiver




Thinking about bringing food on Campus? All on campus departments and organizations must fill out a University Catering Request Waiver before bringing food on campus.  For questions, please reach out to the Catering Director - Ieva Balcus.

Your Voice Counts Survey

We love hearing your feedback. Tell us about your catering experience — take our survey.